1117 W Airport Blvd, Sanford FL 32773
Mon-Fri 07:00 AM - 04:00 PM
1117 W Airport Blvd, Sanford FL 32773
Mon-Fri 07:00 AM - 04:00 PM
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  • Address:
    R. Howe Electric Inc.
    1117 W Airport Blvd.
    Sanford, FL 32773
    Work Hours:
    Mon-Fri 07:30 AM - 04:00 PM
    Sat-Sun: Scheduled Appointments only
    Contact Form
    Get In Touch with Us
    Are you stumped by an electrical project or problem? Dont ask how, just contact R. Howe! Fill out the form with the details of your project and we will come to your aid.

      All Electrical work must be done by a qualified licensed electrician.